“Quit accepting money if you’re not genuinely interested in him” advises a Twitter user to Nigerian girls

"Quit accepting money if you're not genuinely interested in him," advises a Twitter user to Nigerian girls

Recently, a Nigerian man named Chuks shared his opinion on Twitter. He talked directly to Nigerian girls. Chuks revealed that Nigerian girls should not accept money or gifts from men if they don’t want to be friends with them. He believes it’s not fair to the men if girls take gifts when they don’t like them back.

Netizens however, had mixed feelings about this. Some agree with Chuks. They expressed that if a girl doesn’t like a guy, she should not take his gifts and should stop talking to him. Others think it’s tough to refuse gifts or money. They point out that sometimes, girls make it clear they don’t like the guy, but if the guy keeps giving gifts, they might take them.

Also recall that Olomofin, also gave advice to Nigerian women. In August, he said girls who ask for money on WhatsApp are not attractive to men. He noticed some girls ask many guys for money and suggested this might be why they are single. Joro advice to single girls is to stop asking guys for money if they want to appear attractive.

Joro also had words for women in relationships. He said it looks bad when they ask for money online because it seems like their partners are not taking care of them.

In April 2023, Joro spoke to married women. He advised them to be careful with husbands they don’t trust, to avoid getting sick.

Chuks’ and Jerry’s comments have sparked a lot of discussion about how girls and women handle relationships and gifts in Nigeria. Some think it’s wrong to accept gifts without liking the guy, while others find it hard to say no.


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