“The disadvantages of social media don pass the advantage” – Comedian Sabinus

“The disadvantages of social media don pass the advantage” - Comedian Sabinus

Popular comedian Sabinus has shared his thoughts following the recent controversy surrounding Jay Boogie’s botched surgery. Jay Boogie, who had been a trending topic after undergoing a failed Brazilian Butt Lift that adversely affected his kidneys, became a point for Sabinus’ commentary on the darker sides of social media.

In a post on his Instagram, Sabinus lamented at the growing disadvantages of social media, which, in his view, now surpass its benefits. He came up with a hypothetical situation, pondering if he decided to undergo gender reassignment surgery, why would he expect Nigeria’s support if it went awry?

Sabinus also commented on the realities of some other people in the mainland. He pointed out that if one were to visit certain areas in Lagos like the mainland, they would encounter families who haven’t eaten for days, yet continue to persevere through life’s hardships.

Sabinus also touched on the changing dynamics in family structures and societal values, noting a shift where children, once fearful and respectful of their parents, now often act impulsively without regard for consequences or parental guidance.

Anticipating backlash for his statements, Sabinus expressed indifference to potential insults, asserting that they would not affect his financial status. His comments came in the wake of Jay Boogie’s public plea for help following his failed BBL surgery, which has sparked widespread discussion and debate.

Recall that yerstersay, Bob Risky, had offered his perspective. Responding to comparisons with Jay Boogie and suggestions that he might face a similar fate, Bob Risky confidently stated that such a scenario was unlikely for him due to his financial ability to afford top-notch medical care and luxurious surgical treatments. This statement was in contrast to actress Sonia, who had criticized those donating money to Jay Boogie, calling them foolish and stupid.


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